ANMAL DOCUMENTARY:Misdirected Parenting by rheostar247.com

Misdirected Parenting

by rheostar247.com

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The institute decided to set up cam to broadcast live footage, and the animals have become an Internet sensation. “It’s been quite frankly amazing,” Thomas says.
But then it got more weird. The larger female, the second to show up, did a poor job of tending her eggs, which failed to hatch, Catalano says. When the smaller bird’s eggs yielded two owlets, she began caring for them as well, sheltering them from elements and venturing out to fetch mice.
This could be a type of misdirected parenting, in which the larger owl saw the owlets nearby and thought they were her own, he adds.
It’s also possible that the smaller female is actually the larger one’s daughter, or perhaps they’re sisters.
That would help explain why the birds are more comfortable around each other than most great horned owls. But “without determining their genetics, everything is just a guess,” he says.
Though the females sometimes tussle—“they get into some pretty good battles, pecking at each other"—generally they get along. “To be honest, they’ve co-parented quite well."

Empty Nesters

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As for the owlets, the show is almost over; one left the nest last week, jumping off the ledge of the building before safely landing below. Staff members report the owlet is being fed by its parents and doing fine.
This is normal owlet behavior; after about six to eight weeks, the youngsters leave the nest and take up residence close by, such as in the low branches of a tree or bush, which serve as a launch platform for future flights, Catalano says.
The other owlet remains, but soon, it too will leave the nest. “It could be any day now,” Catalano says. And with that, the threesome will split up.
As for Thomas, who retired in early March, the experience was a special one. “It was a good going-away present," he says.
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