OTHER STUFFS:Australia's 'most modified youth' reveals he's had more than 40 operations including a tongue-split, eye tattoos and a belly button removal - and he says it's 'no different to wearing make up'

Australia's 'most modified youth' reveals he's had more than 40 operations including a tongue-split, eye tattoos and a belly button removal - and he says it's 'no different to wearing make up'

  • Ethan Bramble revealed he has had more than 40 body modification operations
  • The 21-year-old first became attracted to the industry when he was just 11
  • His social media pages boast 65K followers across Facebook and Instagram
  • Mr Bramble claims the choice is no different than a person wearing make up  
Australia's most modified youth has revealed why he has had more than 40 body-modification operations as he says it's been '100 per cent worth the torment'.
Amid many procedures, Ethan Bramble has had his eyeballs tattooed, his nostrils punched, his bellybutton removed, his tongue split, his labret (the area under the bottom lip) cut and each of his ears have been snipped so that half is missing.
The 21-year-old was first attracted to transforming his look from the age of 11 when he stretched his ears, and formed a fascination with tattoos. 

Ethan Bramble (pictured before and after) revealed he has had more than 40 body modification operations
The 21-year-old first became attracted to the industry when he was just 11
The 21-year-old first became attracted to the industry when he was just 11
Since the age of 13, the Central Coast local has spent his days hanging out in ink parlours, and watching the work of body modification specialists come to life. 
His social media pages boast more than 65.000 followers, many of whom are fascinated by his radical look.
Mr Bramble believes that the decision to adjust his body is no different from a person deciding to dye their hair or put make up on in the morning. 
'It's the way you want to look, your appearance and I've always been a strong believer in you shouldn't really judge people in the way they look,' he told https://www.rheostar247.blogspot.com
'The end product is 100 per cent worth the torment, if you're committed to it.'
He was just 17 years old when he had his tongue split, and cites that change as the most intense adjustment he has ever had. 
His social media pages boast 65K followers across Facebook and Instagram
His social media pages boast 65K followers across Facebook and Instagram
The excruciating modification put Mr Bramble through five days of horror, which included sleeping upright - out of fear of choking on his own spit as he was constantly drooling following the procedure. 
He indicated the scariest modification was when his eyeballs were tattooed, recalling the moment a syringe approached his face.  
'You have one person holding your eyelids open and it's up to you to stare at the wall at a certain spot. It's so stressful because if you move your eyeball when there's a syringe in there, you'll go blind. So that's definitely a really sketchy one.' 
Mr Bramble claims the choice is no different than a person wearing make up
Mr Bramble claims the choice is no different than a person wearing make up
Following the arrest last week of Brendan Russell, 37, who was charged with prohibition of female genital mutilation, Mr Bramble feels the whole industry will be damaged. 
He says there is a huge grey area within the work as it has managed to stay out of the limelight for so long.  
The arrest of the 'body modification expert' lead NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard to label the industry the 'worst barbarism imaginable'.  
'This so-called body modification is just plain wacko and can lead to permanent maiming,' Mr Hazzard said. 
Authorities have vowed to make changes following the shocking complaint for the female customer who allegedly underwent a botched labia reduction.  
Amid many procedures, Mr Bramble has had his eyeballs tattooed, his nostrils punched, his bellybutton removed, his tongue split and his labret (the area under the bottom lip) cut
Amid many procedures, Mr Bramble has had his eyeballs tattooed, his nostrils punched, his bellybutton removed, his tongue split and his labret (the area under the bottom lip) cut

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